Minco Public Schools will be closed Friday. See everyone on Monday. Stay safe!!
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
At this time we have no power, so we have made the decision to close tomorrow. Stay safe and sleep in again kids!! Thank you, Mr. Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
The 5th and 6th grade tournament at Ampo is cancelled!!
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
This week's Minco High School football game will be played at 1:00PM on Saturday in Apache.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Patrons. We will not be in school Wednesday. We will have a virtual day. We do realize that many are without power. We are not adding any new assignments, and we will adjust to give students more time to complete already assigned work. Thank you, Mr. Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Patrons, Due to the Ice Storm, we are going to have a virtual day on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. Your children will have to log into google classroom and complete assignments at home tomorrow. Elementary students will take work home to complete. Stay tuned for updates throughout the day. NO MIM 5th and 6th grade games cancelled Monday and Tuesday Thank you, Mr. Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
COVID UPDATE 10/23/2020 I am happy to report that this particular week we have had 0 covid cases reported in Minco Schools. This is an unprecedented time of stress and challenge for our generation, and the fact that we had no cases in Minco this week is worth celebrating. Covid fatigue is real. I do not like wearing a mask so much, my daughter was quarantined for 14 days due to exposure, our football team has missed two games the last two weeks due to opponents quarantining and having covid in their teams. It stinks. There are several other descriptive words that are just not suitable for a superintendent to use to be quite honest. The weariness is real, but in these times of adversity, we will not give in to fear or self pity. We will remain strong. We will have more covid situations to deal with. It's just the nature of the virus, but what we are doing has been working. The quarantining is difficult at best, but the preventative measures taken has helped keep our numbers of Covid to a manageable level. Our number one goal above everything else is to keep our doors open for an in person education. So far we have had the good fortune to keep our doors open and not go virtual district wide. We will surely deal with Covid in the coming months, but we will manage it to the best of our abilities. This week was a great week. No Covid cases in Minco Schools. Let’s be grateful for this! Thank you, Kevin Sims Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Due to Covid The Mangum football team will be unable to play Friday night. The game is canceled. Thank you, Mr. Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
5th and 6th grade games at Minco will be today as follows. 5th grade boys at 4:30, 5th and 6th grade girls and finally 6th grade boys.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Please see info. This is fresh produce for anyone living in Grady County.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
VIRTUAL STUDENT PARENTS: School picture day for virtual students will be 10:00AM on Wednesday, October 28th. Pictures will be in the high school media center.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
​Parents/Guardians: On Wednesday, October 28th, the Caring Van Clinic will be at all three schools to offer flu shots and other vaccinations to our students such as TDAP. A signed permission slip is required. We are sending them home with our middle school and elementary students. High school students can pick one up in the high school office. Thank you, Mr. Sims
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Mr. Dave Roever will be speaking to our MS and HS students today at 1:15. He is a Vietnam veteran with an incredible story. We will livestream the event on our school page for all of our quarantined students and anyone who wants to join us.
about 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Dave Roever
On Tuesday Minco 5th and 6th grade basketball will play at Ninnekah with the following schedule starting at 4:30. 5th Grade boys followed by 5th and 6th girls then followed by 6th grade boys. 3 games tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Unfortunately Walters High School will be unable to play Minco due to several issues. Our game scheduled this Thursday has been canceled. Our next football game will be Friday, October 23rd vs Mangum. Thank you, Mr. Sims
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
Covid Update: I am proud of the job we are doing at Minco Public Schools in regards to keeping the virus mitigated. We continue to wear masks and use all sorts of safety precautions that we deem as important. It is not easy, and I commend our students and our staff as we work to do our part to stay healthy and keep school going. As of October 13, 2020, we have had 14 positive cases and 135 quarantined by the OSDH. Out of the 14 positive cases, 2 students who were exposed contracted the virus. Those two cases were in direct contact with people in their household. There has been no transmission in the school outside of spread in families. This is good news for our school. It is our goal to keep the doors open to our school buildings. We will continue with our precautions as necessary. We are going to have school. We also ask you to be considerate of our recommendations for extracurricular activities. Let’s all continue to work together to keep us in school and activities going. Thank you, Kevin Sims Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
​Minco patrons, as we work through this pandemic, basketball starts next week with 5th and 6th grade. Please see these protocols for basketball as we play inside gyms. Please wear a mask or face covering and please social distance as families. Thank you, Mr. Sims Minco Home Basketball Game Guidelines Masks, Neck Gaiters or Face Shields will be STRONGLY RECOMMENDED inside the gym for all games. Social Distancing will be encouraged by spreading out on both sides of the gym. If Necessary, Seating could be reduced by 50% or more. We ask that families maintain social distance by having at least one to two seats between the families. No large gatherings in the lobby will be allowed. ALL concession stand workers will be required to wear masks and gloves at all times. ALL high school games will be streamed on www.mincobulldogs.tv to accommodate fans who choose not to attend.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
I have some great news!! The USDA has extended the free meals for all students for the remainder of the school year!! Please take advantage of this. It helps your wallet!! Thank you, Mr. Sims.
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims
On Monday October 12th, Minco Public Schools was informed FOUR students have tested positive for Covid-19. Immediately protocol was followed as advised by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Through contact tracing Minco Administration identified those students who were exposed according to the guidelines of the CDC. As of right now We have 6 confirmed positive cases of the covid -19 and a total of 65 students under quarantine. As of to date we have had FOURTEEN students test positive with a total of 131 students/staff quarantined. Every measure is being taken to isolate and contain the potential spread of the virus according to the most current guidelines from the CDC and health officials. Minco Public School Administration reminds everyone to continue to follow the appropriate guidelines for preventing the spread COVID-19: Wear face masks while inside campus buildings and/or anytime social distancing of 6ft cannot be guaranteed Practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds Self-monitor for symptoms prior to reporting to work District administration will continue to monitor these situations as they arise and will take appropriate steps as necessary. The safety and health of our staff and students is our top priority! As always if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Minco Public Schools Administration. Thank you, Kevin Sims Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Kevin Sims