On Saturday at 2:30PM Fox Oklahoma will be airing the OU vs Colorado game from 1954. Our late great Minco Bulldog Cal Woodworth played in that game!! What a treat to be able to watch this.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
If you live in Cogar area and reserved a hotspot, I will be there at 4:30 @ the Cogar store today...
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Chickasha Public Library has a program where students can check out and read virtual books. Please click on link if interested. https://chickashapl.okpls.org/news/chickasha-virtual-cards-available/
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
This message is for the students and parents who are getting a hot spot. They will be in Wednesday. I will contact you tomorrow about pickup times. Thank you, Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
The Jostens senior delivery drive through for caps and gowns and otjer items will be Thursday 10 to 12 at Minco High School.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
For those students who do not have internet connectibilty, we will have 15 Hot Spots available on Tuesday. Please email ksims@minco.k12.ok.us to reserve one. Thank you! Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
For those students who cannot acquire internet due to location, we are working on securing Hot Spots by next week. Thank you for your patience. Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
The April Board meeting for Minco Public Schools has been cancelled, and we will meet on May 11, 2020 during our next regularly scheduled meeting. Thank you, Mr. Sims.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
If you have not been able to access the internet please email Mr. Sims at ksims@minco.k12.ok.us. We are working with providers to help resolve issues. Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Senior packets from Jostens will be delivered April 16th from 10 to 12 in a drive through at the high school.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
The town hall is at 8PM tonight.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Tonight Mr. Sims will be conducting a Minco Public Schools Town Hall meeting on Facebook Live on the Minco PS Facebook page and WWW.MINCOBULLDOGS.TV if you do not have Facebook. You can ask questions on FB app or email Ksims@minco.k12.ok.us if you are watching on webpage.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
We are having a Minco Public Schools town hall meeting Wednesday night at 8:00PM on Minco Public School Facebook Page on FB Live and WWW.MINCOBULLDOGS.TV. I will present our plans and take questions. Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
7th and 8th graders check this out.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
ACE camp
We need our students to check their emails. Next week we start our virtual/diatance program. Students are beginning to recieve emails from teachers. Please check them. Thank you, Mr. Sims
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco parents, attached is an OETA schedule of education programming your children can watch beginning on April 6th.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
We were approved and will deliver lunches/breakfasts to the old Cogar Fruit Stand starting Monday at 11:30AM Its on the corner of 152 and highway 37 west of Minco... This is for all children up to age 18.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
This is a reminder that our breakast and lunch program will be every day Monday to Friday. We are working on a daily delivery to Cogar... will keep you updated. Thank you KS
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Seniors be sure to join the Senior meeting on Zoom at 8PM. Find the link on your school emai seniors.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims
Any unauthorized person caught in any school facility which includes the following: a school site, ag facility, gym or athletic field will be given a citation for tresspassing by the Minco Police Department. Our facilities have been shut down by the OSDE. KS
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Sims