Good afternoon!! This is to remind you that this Friday April 1st is the deadline for Dog Days t-shirt orders, and Friday April 8th is the deadline for Yearbook orders. Thank you!!
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
This Friday, March 25 , OSP will be in the Elementary School having Spring Picture Day starting at 8:30 am. Order forms will be sent home on Tuesday for those wishing to order. A classroom group photo will also be taken of all classes during this time.
almost 3 years ago, Staci Franklin
Spring Picture Day
Minco Public Schools will be in school today. Minco Schools is open.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Good morning. We are monitoring the winter storm approaching. Should we be unable to attend school tomorrow, we would have a virtual day. Elementary students will be taking home packets today, and middle school and high school students will be assigned work through Google classroom. Thank you, Mr. Sims
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
It's Basketball Day in Minco. Regional Playoffs in AMPO. Girls play at 4pm. Boys play at 8:30PM. Ticket link can be purchased at They can also be purchased for $10 a ticket at the door.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Schools will be closed on Thursday due to the winter storm. Stay warm and safe!! Another snow day.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Due to the impending winter storm, Minco Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
The 2-A basketball playoffs have been moved from Thursday to Friday. The girls will play at AMPO at 4:00PM and the boys will play at 8:30PM on Friday. The second round of regionals will be played on Saturday in Cashion, and the final round of the regionals will be played next Monday in Cashion.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Keystone Child Nutrition has TWO immediate positions open for the Minco cafeteria. You can contact Robin Chapman at 405-714-4110 if you would like to apply.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
You can pre buy your tickets for tonight's game :
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Schools will be closed on Wednesday, February 2nd. Yes kids, it will be a snow day!!
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Basketball Homecoming is set for Friday, February 4. Coronation begins at 6 with Junior High First followed by High School. The girls' game will begin at 6:30. Boys' game is immediately after that. In the event of weather, homecoming will be moved to Tuesday, February 8 at the same time. Senior Night is scheduled for Friday, February 11 at 6pm. Come out an honor our Senior basketball players, managers, and cheerleaders.
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Direction By Kevin Sims Minco Public Schools Superintendent January is designated as National School Board appreciation month. We at Minco Public Schools have great appreciation for our school board. You will be hard pressed to find a school district that has had as much positive growth in the last decade. In 2013 and 2018,we ambitiously put together two major construction projects that impacted our school, children and community. We are not stopping there. We look forward to more growth when the time is right! Leading can sometimes be difficult. We have had to make tough decisions, and we have done so with grace and dignity. This board is not afraid to tackle issues that are not real popular, but they do their due diligence and make solid decisions. They communicate and discuss and decide. They do not always agree with each other, but a consensus is reached and the level of civility is outstanding. I think Washington or Oklahoma City could learn a thing or two from our school board. The last two years have been very challenging and plain hard at times. Navigating covid and the distractions have been tough, but our board set very good policy. In fact I think we have had more success than most. We have kept our doors open with few exceptions the last few years. The reason we have had success is that we have had such strong policies in place to mitigate the virus and keep children as safe as possible. The Minco Board of Education has student learning at the forefront of their decision making. We are a well-rounded school with many great opportunities to help our students learn and grow in many areas. The commitment of our local board of education to help ensure our students learn in the classroom and through extracurricular activities is second to none. I want to thank Don McMahon, Lance Mckee, Charles Burchfield, Lisa Schneberger and Brad Bute for leading our district and doing a fine job for our children. Sometimes leading is not all it's cracked up to be, but they are all examples of making sure our students are in a great learning environment. If you see these board members out and about, give them a pat on the back and thank them for leading in the most challenging of times!
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
CALM IN THE STORM By Kevin Sims Minco Public Schools Superintendent On March 12, 2020 our lives changed. Fast forward to January 2022. A storm is really starting to rage. I think we all can see it. Political division beyond what I have ever witnessed. No longer are we reasonable people with different political views, but we are mortal enemies because of different ideologies. TImes have changed and not for the better. We are in a storm A virus has caused more division and outrage than any could have imagined. Mask vs No Mask, Vax vs No Vax, quarantine, separation from loved ones, people dying alone, over-filled hospitals, and the list could go on and on. People are tired. We are stressed and strained from the ongoing drama that has taken over our nation and quite honestly the world. We are in a storm. I do not have all of the answers to how to fix it. Quite frankly our national political leaders have failed us, and the media- well I only watch the local news and just a little national news anymore. The major national media drives their own narratives and treats people like sheep. We are pretty well told what and how to think than given information and allowed to create our own opinions. We are in a storm. Things are not where we want them to be, but you have my firm commitment and the commitment of Minco Public Schools to rise above the rhetoric of the day. We will continue to teach students in person daily, and we will continue to offer a virtual platform for those students who need that in their lives right now. Less than 5% of Minco students are virtual. We will continue to provide a high quality education to your children. We provide calm. Your children will be accepted, loved and cared for. We will continue to offer outstanding extracurricular opportunities in the arts, athletics, and vocational education such as FFA, 4H, FACS, BPA, etc.. We provide calm Daily we meet the needs of children from 7:00AM to 5:30PM. We provide three meals a day for many students, and students who need extra food are given food from our pantry every weekend. We work hard to provide for the physical needs for our students. We provide calm. We provide mental health counselors for students who are struggling. Starting next week, our agreement with Canadian Valley Pediatrics begins and students and staff needing treatment for covid, flu, strep and other ailments will have access to high quality medical care for no cost. We provide calm. In closing, we are in very challenging times as a nation. It's as if every day you think, what is happening next. We are in a storm in this country. No doubting that fact, but also another very important fact is that we at Minco are going to continue to provide our children and community with a school to bring calm for our children. We will continue to provide a quality in person education and love for our students.
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
I would like to congratulate Minco students: Jessica Clark, Caylee McPherson, Olivia Bross, Sierra Woodworth, and Julie Hoehner on earning the All Area Honor Band. The are representing our school today. We are proud of these students!!
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
We want to give a huge shoutout to Alex Firestone for representing Minco Middle School at the OKCDA All State Honor Choir this weekend!! What a huge accomplishment Alex!! we are proud of you buddy!!
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
This is a reminder that the Minco Minds In Motion Talent Show will be this Thursday at 5:15 in the high school auditorium. Reminder: No bus service for MIM this Thursday.
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Patrons, We at Minco Public Schools have received new guidance pertaining to Covid 19 isolation and quarantining. I am writing this letter to explain the process for moving forward unless changed by the CDC and OSDH: ISOLATION FROM A POSITIVE TEST: I- If you test positive for covid and have symptoms, You must wait five days after the last day the symptoms appeared to return to work or school. II- If you Test Positive and have no symptoms you may return to school or work after FIVE(5) days of isolation from the covid test. QUARANTINING FROM EXPOSURE TO SOMEONE IN THE HOME WITH COVID 19: I- If you have been given the booster, are within 6 months of receiving the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine or 2 Months from completion of the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO QUARANTINE, BUT MUST WEAR A MASK FOR 10 OR WEAR A MASK FOR 5 DAYS AND COMPLETE A NEGATIVE TEST. II- If you have not been vaccinated or if you have been vaccinated more than 6 months ago and not boosted, YOU MUST QUARANTINE FOR FIVE(5) DAYS, AND YOU MAY RETURN TO WORK OR SCHOOL FOR FIVE DAYS AND YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK. IF YOU COMPLETE THE FIVE(5) DAYS OF QUARANTINE, AND HAVE A NEGATIVE TEST ON THE 5TH DAY, YOU MAY RETURN AND NOT WEAR A MASK. These new OSDH policies will take effect January 3, 2022. We greatly appreciate your patience as we navigate through this time of covid. As always, contact our offices if you have any questions about this guidance. Thank you, Kevin Sims Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Kevin Sims