Minco Public Schools will be closed and activities cancelled Wednesday, January 25th.
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
The 2022-23 Bulldog "Where We're From" Yearbook is now on sale. Order forms will be sent home with all elementary students and can also be picked up in each school office for middle school and high school. You may also order online at www.yearbookforever.com. Don't miss out on the memories made!
almost 2 years ago, Staci Franklin
Due to Illness we will not be able to broadcast the game tonight at 8pm. You can listen at www.kool1055fm.com
almost 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Homecoming is this Friday night at 6:00PM. The coronation will happen at 6PM. We suggest you arrive by 5:45PM for the coronation followed by the girl's tipoff at 6:30PM .
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Public School Annual GT meeting!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Remember the grades 5 to 12 Band and Vocal Christmas Program at 6:30PM tonight.
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023 By Kevin Sims Minco Public Schools Superintendent I would like to take this time to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It seems the older I get the faster the years go by. 2022 is no exception. I certainly hope you can all take a few days and enjoy family and friends. There is no substitute for the special and great people in our lives. This last year we have continued the success we are accustomed to here at Minco. We also are continuously planning and working to improve, be better and grow. I am very proud of our dedicated staff who give their all in the classroom, on the field or in the gymnasium. I am proud of our organizations such as FFA, FCCLA and STUCO who promote leadership and high standards for student projects. We have an outstanding arts program with an outstanding band and vocal program. Minco Public Schools works hard to help children strive to do their best and grow. The times we live in are somewhat challenging. I think that many people feel the pressure and stress of the times. It is easy to forget the blessings we have. The attitude of appreciation has been replaced by expectation and entitlement. During this most Holy of holidays let us all reflect on what we have been given and blessed with. I encourage you to spend quality time with your family, visit your friends and enjoy your children. I sincerely hope that you all have a tremendous few weeks break. As we look into 2023,I anticipate success, growth and great things for our students. Each year brings good things and challenging things. Regardless, we will keep working at Minco Schools to provide the leadership your children deserve. Finally may God bless you as we celebrate what Christmas is all about.
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
SEMESTER TEST UPDATE By Kevin Sims Minco Superintendent December 14, 2022 Parents, After evaluating the situation the last few weeks, The administration determined that students who have a grade of C or above and not exceeded the absentee limit will be exempt from the semester tests this semester. Students who have a D or F, and students with over 10 absences will be required to take semester tests on December 19 and 20. We will use this regulation in the spring semester as well. Minco High School currently has a regulation for semester test exemptions in place that due to the covid epidemic, we deviated from. This deviation was not expected to become the norm. If you are not at school, it is an absence. It doesn't matter if it's sickness, a funeral, or an orthodontist/doctor's appointment. We also understand an unexpected flu outbreak hit our district. We make every effort to work with our families who deal with these issues. The Minco administrative team will be reviewing the semester test regulation and making changes for the 2023-2024 school year. You have my complete assurance that we are doing our best to navigate through these issues. Thank you, Kevin Sims Superintendent
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Its that time of year again!! don't forget the Minco PTO Christmas store open Wednesday to Friday!! The students love getting gifts for family members here!!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Tomorrow's Elementary Christmas Program has been cancelled; however we need you to send your child's costume to school tomorrow. We will conduct the play without an audience and film it. It will be placed on our school YouTube page to view. We will conduct a Spring concert as well. Thank you!!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
The 5th and 6th Grade basketball games vs Alex at home have been cancelled tonight. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
ATTENTION!!!!! Due to a large number of elementary students who are sick, we have decided to POSTPONE the Elementary Christmas Program from tonight to Tuesday, December 13th. Thank you for your understanding. NO CHRISTMAS PROGRAM tonight!!! IT IS NOW NEXT TUESDAY
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
FOOD DRIVE EXTENDED!! The Minco food drive is being extended to November 16th. Judy's Kitchen needs your help to provide Thanksgiving baskets. The class with the most donations per school will receive a pizza party.
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Good Afternoon!! Grandparents day WILL NOT be the Friday before Thanksgiving. Our cafeteria facilities will not be able to facilitate the event. We are looking for options for doing this in the spring. Please be patient with us. Mr. Kevin Sims
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
This is the link for tickets this Friday night's playoff game. Tickets are $8.35 online or $10.00 at the gate. https://gofan.co/app/events/774368?schoolId=OSSAA
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Public Schools in conjunction with FFA and FCCLA is hosting a canned food drive for The Kitchen which is the local food bank next week through Nov 11. They are in need of canned goods for the over 100 Thanksgiving food baskets they prepare. We will collect food in each building by grade. Please give to this cause next week. There is a prize for the winning class in each school!!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Reminder: Tomorrow, Nov 4, is picture retake day at all Minco Schools. These will begin at the beginning of the day. Order forms were sent home to Elementary parents of those children that were absent on Picture Day. If you have questions, please call your child's school.
about 2 years ago, Staci Franklin
The Minco High School Football Game at Casady has been moved from Friday to Thursday night. This Thursday Minco will travel to Casady. Kickoff is at 7:00PM
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Congratulations to softball district offensive player of the year Tara Hoehner. We are very proud of you!!!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims
Minco Public Schools would like to congratulate all of our Lady Bulldog Softball players who made the All-District Team: MVP- Julie Hoehner, Pitcher of the year- Briley Keeble, and Defensive player of the year- Dallas Brothers. A job well done by these young ladies!!
about 2 years ago, Kevin Sims